Madarsa Islahul Muslemeen & Darul Yattam
This is one of the oldest, most famous and renowned Islamic educational and ideological center in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh States. It was established in 1924 in Raipur Chhattisgarh by the famous, prominent and the competent Islamic scholar (Mohsine Millat)Hazrat Allama Maulana Hamid Ali Farooqui (May Allah be pleased with him) who was the Khalifa of Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Barelavi (radiallahu Anhu).From the time the madrasa was established, it has been serving and spreading Islam in these two non religious and non Islamic States. It has been serving the people of Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh states by providing them the Imams, for the Masajid (Mosques),Islamic teachers for Madaris(Islamic schools) and supporting the public opinion the Islamic Schools and Mosques
The people of CG and MP states were in need of such a Islamic institution which could provide Islamic education and give them the Imams for the Masajid and Islamic teachers for Madaris as per the need of the time, help and guidance them spending the life in the light of Quraan and Hadeeth and that was the madarsa Islahul Muslemeen Darul Yatama Raipur which was established to meet all these purposes. Hazrat Mohsine Millat,the great , prominent , competent and true leader of CG and MP states who had the wonderful vision and great planning for these two states. the mission of the madarsa is to produce the Aalim(Islamic scholars) Hafiz (Quraan to memory) and Qari
(reading the holy Quraan with Arabic rule and regulation). And this great and divine work has been continued from the time it was established. The group of people produced as Aalim,hafiz and Qari are working as a caravan of Islam in serving Islam and fulfilling the need of the people. And the result of this divine mission is that today there are so many Islamic schools and Masajid which are running under the supervision of this leading madarsa in CG and MP states. And why not? because Hazrat Mohsine Millat did not establish this institution by himself but established it with the indication Hazrat Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaz Ajmeri (Rahamatullahi Alaih)..
About The Founder
Who was Mohsin-e-Millat?
Mohsine Millat was the disciple and Khalifa of Aala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Barelavi (May Allah be pleased with him). He was the highly educated person and matchless spiritual guide of his time. he was born in Qazipur Chandaha Allahabad U.P. in 1889. His father Hazrat Shakir Ali Farooqui was the landlord of Bihar village Distt Pratapgarh U.P. He was descendent to Sayedana Farooque Azam (Radiallahu Anhu) and related to Baba Faridduddin (Baba Fareed ganj shakker) in 17 generation. He received in initial education in his village then went to Frangimahal Lucknow and Bareli Sharif for the higher education. in Arabic he got the graduation in 1919AD,1338 H. In 1920 he came to Raipur city inspired by Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri while India was getting rid of the English regime then he participated in it and went to Jail on July 19,1922 under the panel code of 144 A. On 12 December 1923 he came out from the jail and felt that this area is actually in need of the spiritual guide who can help people in their life so he decided to settle down and open the Islamic school and finally founded the madrsa and named it madrsa Islahul Muslemeen Darul Yatama that’s the time madrsa came into the existence. he was fully dedicated to serve the Islam and Muslims for the sack of Allah SWT. For this purpose he had to go village to village to establish the mosques and Islamic schools. He continued this divine work until the last moment of his life. His demise took place on April, 25, 1968.His holy Shrine is in fate shah campus at Raipur CG
Maulana Mohammed Ali Farooqui is the Successor (Khalifa ) of Mohsine Millat Hazrat Allama Hamid Ali Farooqui (May Allah be pleased with him) Hazrat positions and works at a glance he focused in Islamic education, he equally paid attention towards the worldly education. and founded Mohsine Millat Unani Tibb education society in May,8,1990 as secretary whose president and manager were Mr. Mahmood Ali Farooqui (D.J.) he got the recognition of Tibbiya college through CCIM ( central council Indian medicine) in 2001.He was awarded by X-President of India Shri A.P.J. Abdul Kalam ji.. Vice President Of All India Muslim Personal Law Board (Jadid), Vice President Of All India Qazi Board
Mr. Zafar Ali is willing to open branches of Hamid Ali Society as more as possible every where in Chhattisgarh state. His dream is to make the Chhattisgarh state one of the best Islamic states. Maulana Mohammed Ali Farooqui is the Chairman of Hamid Ali Education Society and his younger brother Mr. Zafar Ali Farooqui is the general secretary of this society. He was awarded by President of Minority Commission Of CG. Govt.